Love and Planet

Make this valentine's day one of Personal and Planetry value. 

Most holidays end up so wasteful and valentine's day is no exception.  Whether its poundland's plastic heart of nothing or simply cellophane plant wraps we can surely give this Thursday the 14th a sustainable and romantic revamp.

1) Try picking up a valentine's card without the plastic wrap on. It's a small thing but a positive step towards reducing plastic pollution.

2) Why not give a potted plant that can continue to grow and blossom instead of cut flowers.  They take more effort,  but so do relationships, so why not give it a go?

3) Focus on the meaningful. Instead of getting lots of small gimmicky presents why not invest in a present you know will be used and appreciated, it doesn't even have to be romantic,  just appreciated and given with love.

4) If you're cooking for someone make sure you know allergies and what they like. That way the meal will go smoother and you'll also be reducing food waste.

5) Don't get swept away by adverts and expectations. If you're alone, with friends or in a couple just focus on having a lovely time and not trying to live up to a hype imposed by advertising and media. Make it your day not anyone else's idea of a perfect day.

So whatever your plans,  or if you have none at all, I hope you have a lovely day.
Tasha xx


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