Christmas 18

Happy Boxing Day! 

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas full of joy and peace. I was blessed with the ability to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, we all met with the joyful knowledge of our saviours birth and future glory.  I know for many Christmas can be a very tough time so I am very grateful for those who were with me on such a lovely day.

But now the big day is over and what do we take away? A lovely memory, a mountain of presents and a bigger belly?? No, we need to be taking this time to again look and see what we already have, it may be little or it may be a lot but either way it is not our material objects which define us or our life. Make this Christmas different, remember it for joy if it was joyful and family if like me you were lucky enough to spend it with yours. Remember it for how it highlights in our society those have and those who due to circumstance have not. We are not born with material wealth but as infants who grow and are shaped by the world. We find true wealth in experience, character and companions.

Make this Christmas season a time of gratefulness, to appreciate what you have and what you have received in both material object and life experience. For example,  I have received some lovely thoughtful presents which I love but the one I shall treasure most cost me nothing. I have a notebook which I'd had for years but never used that is now full of some of the kindest things my friends could say. It makes me feel empowered and appreciated which is so important in a time when social media can often strip us of our self esteem. Not only does it make me feel good in myself but it also reminds me of what I wrote in my friends notebooks and how much I appreciate them too.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year,

Tasha xx
