Loving Our Libraries

'A book is a world made of words, where you live for a while.' - Patrick Ness

I love reading and always have. I have fond memories of being read to as a child, from the classics like Swallows and Amazons to my now babysitting go to: Dragon and Mousey. The memories of sitting curled up with my mum and sister before bed are ones I will always treasure.

However, now my reading tastes are a bit more diverse. I read to educate myself, to improve my own writing or simply escape to another world. I will always have a soft spot for Jane Austen and Daphne Du Maurier, but with books requiring many natural resources such as trees for paper and carbon how do I ethically satisfy my reading habits?

The answer comes in the glamorous form of a library (or a secondhand or charity  book shop, where you can often find a good bargain as well as support a good cause). I can't understand why libraries have fallen out of fashion, my local library has basically saved my recent peice of coursework, allowing me to access a rich supply of historical books. Not only does my library have a great supply of historian's books but it also keeps me stocked up on recipie books, reading books and books for wider reading. I  have a wishlist of library books which I'm slowly making my way through and would like to encourage you to try, branch out and read a different type of book, newspaper or comic than normal and see what you learn.

If you're not really a reader, maybe try to find a genre or concept that interests you. I think it is highly important to have habits and activities that do not involve a screen or an internet connection to help you unwind. Especially with the long nights,  there is somthing truly joyful about curling up with  a cuppa (a cat) and a good read.

Happy reading,

Tasha xx
