This time of year feels like we are constantly waiting. Waiting for the next thing, the next season the next holiday or even the next year. Autumn itself feels like a purgatory period before the Christmas spirit is fully embraced.
Sometimes we just need to take time out, no matter where we’re at and think about the present, the now and not the future. If we spend too much time waiting and not enough enjoying we start to lose sight of what we have and the small joys of life.
While the world is telling us to live fast through fast fashion, fast food and fast emotions we need to take the time to live slow and enjoy.
The world's fast pace of life leaves us constantly wanting more, feeling like we’re never enough and unfulfilled.
So here are some things that I’m enjoying about autumn and appreciating now:
- The apple harvest. There's an apple tree in our garden and at the weekend it was time for our annual apple picking. The apples will go into many delights, including baked apple pudding and apple crumble. Sweet natural treats with very little food miles.
- The beautiful sunsets that we’ve been having recently (pictured above). Looking out at such a beautiful work of nature just makes me smile, brightening up what would otherwise be to earlier night.
- Rediscovering old music. Instead of looking forward I've been looking back to some of my favorite songs of years gone by. It's kept me going through the many hours working at my desk.
- Researching minimalism. As a part of my effort to try and improve both my impact on the world and it’s people I've been attempting to create minimalistic habits so that I consume less and use the time and money saved to do something socially good, paying more attention to the world and people around me, not just internet shopping.
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