We have a voice and that voice is powerful.
Too often we assume that no one will listen so don't bother to raise our voices. But by stepping up and speaking out we can achieve great change. It's time to start speaking out and understanding that our environment and nature need us as spokespeople. To rally together against current damaging practises, go against the grain and speak up for tomorrow's world.
If we all stayed silent would the world ever change?
Speaking to friends, even just recommending reusable cups or cutlery can go a long way in normalising more sustainable habits which reduce the use of singe use plastics or encouraging a greater interest in the environment. Starting with small groups of friends can lead to a ripple effect of their friends and their friends friends hearing and learning more about the duty of care which we have for the world.
Moreover, if environmental groups or conscientious people hadn't spoken up would Burberry have just continued its damaging and wasteful tactic of burning old stock in order to keep prices high? By using our voices one of the biggest luxary fashion brands took notice and changed!
Our voices are powerful and we need to remember that. We have the freedom to use our voices, stand with the broken and against what is unethical and wrong.
So lets be bold and strong, seeking to bring about a positive and substantial change to this hurting world.

For me, this blog is a way for me to speak up and use my voice. I refuse to stay silent in the fight against climate change and our own selfish nature. I encourage you to use your voice to, speak to your friends about issues close to your heart, listen to their opinions, learn and educate, be confidant in what you believe to speak out.
Tasha xx
The Guardian article on Burberry waste
I'm loving this blog so far! I'm so glad that you started it. 😊